Registering for an Account is easy!
Active Crew Members can register for an account by providing their name and email address.
Click the "Sign in" link in the upper right hand corner of the help center.
The registration process is started when you do one of the following:
- Visit your Help Center and click Submit a request
- Visit your Help Center and click Sign in for the first time and then Sign up
- Send an email support request to your support email address for the first time
After signing up, you will receive a welcome email message that prompts you to verify your email address and also create a password so that you can sign in to Zendesk.
So what do you gain by registering and signing in to Zendesk? Doing so allows you to do the following:
- Submit tickets with a shorter request form
- Track your tickets and view ticket history
- Access more company resources like help documents and Frequently Asked Questions
Note: You must allow third party cookies in your browser to be added as a new user when using an incognito or private window.